Tuesday, March 24, 2015

1 Peter 4:7 The end of all things is near: A metaphysical perspective on sobriety

1 Peter verse 4:7 reads: The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. The apostle Peter represents the metaphysical faculty of  faith  and is located in the center of the brain according to The Twelve Powers by Charles Fillmore.
In order to receive the highest and best in life it is necessary to give up that which is holding one back.   In the instance of addiction this would involve releasing the need for external stimulants.  In the principles of alcoholic anonymous it is described as surrendering to a higher power.  Spiritual development manifests from within and is brought forth through words.  Spirituality is defined in the Revealing Word as the consciousness that relates man directly to his Father-God. 
Words have power so it is imperative to be alert and sober in mind and speech in order to manifest your desired outcome.  

The practice of meditation has the ability to still the mind, calm the spirit and create a space conducive to manifestation.  Alcohol and drugs on the other hand numb the mind and the spirit of libation can create hallucinations of fear, stress, anxiety, etc.  Meditation promotes peace.
Prayer has been described as talking to God.  Have you ever tried to have a logical conversation while inebriated?  What are you seeking to manifest?  Is it clear and concise or scattered and irrational?  
It is possible to manifest easily and effortlessly from a state of peace. The end of pain and suffering begins with sobriety. 


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