The holiday season is here and abundance is everywhere. Can you recognize it? Is this abundance flowing into your everyday awareness. If not then perhaps Psalm 23 can shed some light on abundance in your life. The Bible verse Psalms 23:5(NIV) states, You prepare a table before
me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup
overflows with blessings. During this holiday season there will be many
tables set in anticipation of great feasting. Does this scripture
relate to our meals? or is it metaphorically imploring us to be mindful
of our thoughts? Each day presents itself as an opportunity to prepare
for feast or famine. That feast may or may not involve literal food
such as Thanksgiving dinner but more importantly a metaphysical
cornucopia of thought. What are you thinking as you prepare your daily
feasts? are you preparing mental famine? Are your thoughts of lack
and/or limitation? or will your buffet table be filled with positive
affirmations of peace, love and prosperity? Each thought projects an
imprint into the manifestation of life and this verse is a reminder of
the abundance of thoughts that dwell as the gift of human intelligence.
Intelligence may be considered a dichotomy of "good" and/or "evil"
therefore to manifest that which is "good" it will be necessary to
prepare a table of good and right thinking. Watch your thoughts and
words as you practice and prepare positivity.
A table is the foundation for the feast. Is your table of the
right height and width? or is it limited in how much abundance it can
hold? Have you ever hosted or been to an event and realized there was
not enough table space to hold all the food? Imagine what that is like
in your mind. It can be very frustrating being bombarded with so many
images and messages from people and technology. For years folks have
been guessing at how many messages are imprinted in our minds each day.
The numbers are staggering with some guesstimating one person is
receiving 5000 ad messages a day according to an article in the New York Times.
That is a lot of mental clutter. How do you sort through it all to
get the best and highest good for yourself and others? Is your mental
filter clean?
Enemies would be thoughts that there simply is not enough. It is
written that the feast has been prepared in the presence of enemies.
Have you ever been to a wonderful gathering and suddenly something
inappropriate is said or done? The person who drank too
much or that bitter person dissing the potato salad( perhaps in an
attempt to harness attention) sorta dampened an otherwise lovely
setting. Do not allow the behavior or beliefs of anyone else to steal
your joy. By doing so they are also depriving you of abundance. An
enemy would be a thought that anything negative has any power in your
life. If there are outer enemies then perhaps there are inner thoughts
which are compounding the issue. Cancel, clear and delete your own
negative thoughts and embody prayers of love. Let it go. If the dinner
guests have arrived and the table is full it is necessary to expand the
options. If everything can't fit on the table some things may have to
be put aside until there is room for them later like the dessert. The
same thing holds true in manifesting a desired outcome. Thoughts in mind
create after there own kind and if there are negative thoughts filling
your consciousness now is the time acknowledge and release them. If the
mind is full of too many thoughts this may be a opportunity to sit
back, relax and focus or meditate on God. God is love. In doing so the
enemies or negative thoughts will flee into the nothingness from whence
they came. The drunk falls asleep and all the potato salad is gone.
sighs. Somebody liked it! and all is well...
An anointing according to metaphysican Charles Fillmore is a symbolic
expression of the pouring out of the spirit of love on one who has
faith in God. With faith in a higher source the spirit if love will
always prevail. The holiday season can be an emotional and stressful
time for many. Set your table with love first and all things shall be
added. Happy Holidays!
My cup overflows with blessings and each moment I acknowledge and
express gratitude for those blessings as they grow in abundantly.
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