Sunday, November 30, 2014

You prepare a table before me: A holiday metaphysical perspective of Psalms 23:5 and abundance

The holiday season is here and abundance is everywhere.  Can you recognize it?  Is this abundance flowing into your everyday awareness.  If  not then perhaps Psalm 23 can shed some light on abundance in your life.  The Bible verse Psalms 23:5(NIV) states, You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows with blessings. During this holiday season there will be many tables set in anticipation of great feasting. Does this scripture relate to our meals? or is it metaphorically imploring us to be mindful of our thoughts? Each day presents itself as an opportunity to prepare for feast or famine. That feast may or may not involve literal food such as Thanksgiving dinner but more importantly a metaphysical cornucopia of thought. What are you thinking as you prepare your daily feasts? are you preparing mental famine? Are your thoughts of lack and/or limitation? or will your buffet table be filled with positive affirmations of peace, love and prosperity? Each thought projects an imprint into the manifestation of life and this verse is a reminder of the abundance of thoughts that dwell as the gift of human intelligence. Intelligence may be considered a dichotomy of "good" and/or "evil" therefore to manifest that which is "good" it will be necessary to prepare a table of good and right thinking. Watch your thoughts and words as you practice and prepare positivity.
A table is the foundation for the feast. Is your table of the right height and width? or is it limited in how much abundance it can hold? Have you ever hosted or been to an event and realized there was not enough table space to hold all the food? Imagine what that is like in your mind. It can be very frustrating being bombarded with so many images and messages from people and technology. For years folks have been guessing at how many messages are imprinted in our minds each day. The numbers are staggering with some guesstimating one person is receiving 5000 ad messages a day according to an article in the New York Times. That is a lot of mental clutter. How do you sort through it all to get the best and highest good for yourself and others? Is your mental filter clean?
Enemies would be thoughts that there simply is not enough. It is written that the feast has been prepared in the presence of enemies. Have you ever been to a wonderful gathering and suddenly something inappropriate is said or done? The person who drank too much or that bitter person dissing the potato salad( perhaps in an attempt to harness attention) sorta dampened an otherwise lovely setting. Do not allow the behavior or beliefs of anyone else to steal your joy. By doing so they are also depriving you of abundance. An enemy would be a thought that anything negative has any power in your life. If there are outer enemies then perhaps there are inner thoughts which are compounding the issue. Cancel, clear and delete your own negative thoughts and embody prayers of love. Let it go. If the dinner guests have arrived and the table is full it is necessary to expand the options. If everything can't fit on the table some things may have to be put aside until there is room for them later like the dessert. The same thing holds true in manifesting a desired outcome. Thoughts in mind create after there own kind and if there are negative thoughts filling your consciousness now is the time acknowledge and release them. If the mind is full of too many thoughts this may be a opportunity to sit back, relax and focus or meditate on God. God is love. In doing so the enemies or negative thoughts will flee into the nothingness from whence they came. The drunk falls asleep and all the potato salad is gone. sighs. Somebody liked it! and all is well...
An anointing according to metaphysican Charles Fillmore is a symbolic expression of the pouring out of the spirit of love on one who has faith in God. With faith in a higher source the spirit if love will always prevail. The holiday season can be an emotional and stressful time for many. Set your table with love first and all things shall be added. Happy Holidays!
My cup overflows with blessings and each moment I acknowledge and express gratitude for those blessings as they grow in abundantly.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Benefits of meditation

I have met lots of folks who meditate, as a matter of fact I hosted a serious meditation group for over a year.  It was interesting that very few people showed up consistently to the group and even fewer people admitted to engaging in the daily prescribed meditation practice.  Upon further inquiry I discovered some people didn't really know why they were meditating....  Is meditation just a fad?
People are like electricity and tend to take the path of least resistance.  Why sit in meditation if there is no perceived value?  Why engage if there is no benefit?   Why "waste" time when there is so much to "do"?  Why not?
Many of the benefits of meditation may not appear tangible at first which is why meditation is considered a practice.  Like any goal or objective the benefits of meditation get better the more you practice.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

It's safe to forgive and set healthy boundaries. I used to engage in not so nice relationships way to long! I now honor myself in peace with love.#forgivenmoveon

 One the greatest tools in manifestation is forgiveness.  Forgiveness and gratitude for the lesson provided can clear the way for prosperity and abundance.  The key is recognizing the lesson.  If not acknowledged it is destined to be repeated.  Meditation provides a vehicle for awareness of the lessons.  Have you ever had to repeat a class in school that was required.  Perhaps the second time around you paid more attention to the instructor.  Life is no different...its just a much bigger classroom and a lot more or less dogma.  #innerchildsplay

Friday, July 11, 2014

It is not possible to awaken in anothers bed

In order to awaken it is necessary to rest in the awareness  of your own bed.  The bed being a metaphor of the mind. Often times it is possible to sleep walk through this maze of infinite possibilities we call life, missing the purpose of this wonderful experience.  The opportunity to be free lives within each of us, patiently waiting to be expressed outwardly.  It can be found in silent moments of serenity.  Meditation is the time one takes to consciously connect with creator.  This where the true nature of our being exists.  The core essence of who and why we are here.  Often times folks seek prosperity in the external material form and while outer stuff can bring some happiness true joy comes from within.  I used to think happiness meant another pair of shoes. So I shopped.  I had accumulated so many shoes I could not see the bottom of my closet.  A devastating earthquake hit Haiti.  As I watched the victims on television without shelter and subject to the harsh weather elements with no food, clean water or shoes my heart opened.  The TV camera captured the image of an innocent little girl and I experienced a space of emptiness and awareness that was different. She had no shoes nor shelter yet she had this look of hope and serenity in her eyes. I realized with one pair of healthy feet I had a somewhat spoiled outlook of life. Shopping was a temporary fix to a  inner longing for peace and self love. What is mine to do?  I connected with my heart and cleaned the closets of my home and more importantly my mind.  Peace can be found in the stillness of a single moment.  Peace grows from within and is cultivated in meditation.  Within each of us the true essence of an awakening begins. Life's purpose is individual and intimate. Each moment is an opportunity to grow and learn.  The classroom is vastly abundant and prosperity is a good thing.  There is enough for everyone.Be still and know.   For more information click here

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Stepping out of the insanity!

Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.  Recently I've been feeling INSANE!!!

As a metaphysical life coach I listen and help folks solve all types of dilemmas which is great however I wasn't listening to my own inner voice in the busy ness of being and business owner.  So I STOPPED!  I decided it was time for a sabbatical.  It is healthy to heed the inner voice that says you need a break today.  For more information on how to listen to your inner voice call Karen Saunders at 305 305-2288.   Or visit www, for more information on how you can live your best life ever!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A metaphysical perspective on the rain Matthew 18:3

This is considered the rainy season and while some folks dread the afternoon showers they are really blessing.  The Bible says in Matthew 18:3 "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."  As a child I remember getting excited for the rain, either I was prepared and got to wear that shiny coat with the cool rubber boots and awesome umbrella (kinda like Mary Poppins only much smaller) or if I was really lucky I got caught in it.  Wet drops of liquid sunshine falling from the sky. I would always pray for puddles to appear with no way around so I could splash in them always aiming for the middle hoping it was deep enough to reach my little ankles but not too deep.  The grownups would always panic and yell "look out" or "run so you don't get wet".  Somehow it seemed no fun for them.sighs. Maybe they forgot just how fun and spiritual the rain is.
Then I grew up...wait a minute...when did that happen?  geez. I am now one of "them".  Panicky and perhaps somewhat perplexed with the thought of another rainy day my mind would too often make minor inconveniences like traffic into major discomforts.  Then the thought occurred to me, I don't have to panic! no need to fret..  Annie sang about this. The sun will come out again. I can dance in this ran.  So I did. I danced! Fully clothed no raincoat no umbrella not even in my fabulous designer rain boots with the big polka dots. I laughed and even shed a tear, the rain was gracious and washed away any fears or concerns. The tears were unrecognizable and then it happened the clouds parted for a brief moment and the sun peaked out to kiss my face and smile at me.  I smiled back in gratitude for life. I danced in the rain and it washed all the tears away..and it felt so good a deep down spiritual good. Metaphysically, rain represents Spirit refreshing and enriching our thoughts and our mind. The rain can represent a spiritual cleansing of negativity thereby creating a space for manifestation of abundance and prosperity.
Sometimes as adults we get  into a state of mind while attaining and maintaining adult responsibilities where we forget to honor the inner child.  The inner child is that part of us that is innocent, and unassuming.  The inner child is inquisitive, imaginative and dreams unabashedly about life.  That inner child looks just like you and perhaps has been hurt, disappointed and maybe has been told it's simply not ok to play in the rain.  She may have forgotten how to dream and is just waiting to be acknowledged.  Does your inner child need permission to play? permission granted!
Go play in the rain its just what we may need to grow spiritually! (of course be safe and follow all the precautions  that are stored in your grown up subconscious) can't let go? then at least smile at the rain. its a start.. be happy
Hypnosis can help you tap into your inner child through relaxation and visualization.  For more information click here!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Think on these things a metaphysical perspective on whatsoever things are true

It is written in Philippians 4:8, Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Thoughts are things and should be related to as such. Whatever is thought of in mind has the potential to manifest into reality.
What are you thinking? Is it true? Is it your truth?
Byron Katie wrote in Loving What Is “A thought is harmless unless we believe it. It’s not our thoughts, but our attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering. Attaching to a thought means believing that it’s true, without inquiring. A belief is a thought that we’ve been attaching to, often for years.” How many thoughts or things are you attached to? What beliefs are a result of those attachments? The most difficult beliefs may be based in spirituality. Is it possible to be so attached to a thought that it is detrimental to your peace of mind . The key to peace would be to let go of the attachments. Perhaps it is time to see it differently. Where is the love? God is omnipresent and in that truth is the recognition that in the difficult people, situations and/or circumstances, God is there, just look again. The Truth is that any seemingly difficult issue is always the catalyst to that peace that surpasses understanding. The issue is imploring the cultivation of a deeper relationship with our Creator in and as love. What is necessary is to change any situation is to change the thought about it. The more difficult the situation the stronger the cry for love in giving and receiving. The spiritual healing begins within via prayer and meditation. Be still and know. The bigger the challenge the greater the harder it is to see the truth.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dr. Maya Angelou author and poet dies at age 86

Read more about the transition of Dr. Maya Angelou here

Keep your head up

I will lift up my eyes to the hills is a reference of tapping into the inner wisdom that lies in each of us..
I am always Divinely guided so I rest the awareness that all is well..I let go and let Good!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Forgiveness and the art manifesting abundance

Forgiveness is an important part of manifesting a more abundant life.  According to the Bible in Luke 23:34 the words of Jesus Christ before being nailed to the cross were, Father forgive them for they know not what they do.  Just imagine doing everything you can do live a harmonious life, keep the peace and going above and beyond what would be normally expected(performing miracles) then get nailed to a cross... really?  smh

Have you ever given it your best only to be judged, criticized condemned or just plain dissed?  Perhaps there is a seemingly difficult person or persons in your life.  Could be someone very close to you like a boss, partner or even family.  Yea you know who it is...if not then maybe it's you.  ouch.
That person you can't simply blow off.  Hey, we all have our crosses to bear. Sometimes we marry them.  And from a personal standpoint it can be equally as devastating to carry that cross with a smile. Turning the proverbial other cheek.  Jesus showed great compassion in uttering words of forgiveness esp. while being taunted for his good works. miracles.
How cool is that.
How difficult would it be today? It starts with forgiving yourself Click HERE for ways to do that.
albeit tough it can be done.
Forgiveness means to give up something.  Give it up and let it go.  To give up does not make you a loser. au contraire.
Jesus said we all have the power to forgive and to bless.
 Letting go with a blessing as a blessing is a blessing...
C.R. Strahan said “Forgiveness has nothing to do with absolving a criminal of his crime. It has everything to do with relieving oneself of the burden of being a victim--letting go of the pain and transforming oneself from victim to survivor.”
forgive 'em love 'em and perhaps let 'em go...
For more information and help on forgiveness visit or purchase
 I AM a survivor!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Being in this world but not of it: Metaphysical thoughts on competition

Is it possible to be in this world but not of it?  Something to ponder...
Being in this world but not of it: Metaphysical thoughts on competition

Try Metaphysical Hypnosis at in Miami Florida.  Sit back and relax be hypnotized and totally relaxed while you uncover what may really be preventing your success. Hypnosis works is safe and effective.