Monday, December 31, 2012

If Life Is A Mirror, What Do You See? How to Recognize the Image in Meditation

If Life Is A Mirror, What Do You See? How to Recognize the Image in Meditation

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Why Pet Adoption Is a Good Thing~Metaphysically Speaking

 The holidays are a great time to adopt a pet.  This is my 2nd year anniversary with my miniature poodle I manifested from the shelter.  He is 6 pounds of pure love!

Why Pet Adoption Is a Good Thing~Metaphysically Speaking

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Abundance is everywhere just stop and notice

I was in Aventura Florida this weekend and the prosperity is amazing!  I watched as two guys attempted to stuff 10, yes TEN flat screen TV's around 50" into a mini van.  They had just made the purchase at a local Best Buy and it was fun to watch as they packed and unpacked the van.  Finally they got them all in.  One family purchased their kid a new Benz and since the box did not fit in the car with the kid they left the box in the parking lot...

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Amazing Kreskin is accurate in his presidential prediction

The Amazing Kreskin is accurate in his presidential prediction

Now that the election is over emotions can heal

The Presidential election was so emotionally charged it brought up "stuff" that some folks could not handle.  Be gentle with yourself.  Reports of everything from "it felt like Christmas" to reports of "deep depressions" have been echoed.  On each side of the coin the aftermath of such high emotion has eventually shift. When something as big as the election happens, it is important to check in periodically and not get to emotionally charged in either direction. High or low, up or down. This is important because when the dust settles depending on what side of the fence you are on will determine how you feel when it is all over.  To remain equanimous means to maintain a sense on balance no matter what the outcome.  The only thing certain is change.  If a particular candidate did not win it does not mean all hope is lost. It is a process and there is plenty of work to be done by all. Living in a democratic society, laws are created and changed every single day.  It is possible to become an advocate for change, right now.  It all begins with the thought process.  Thinking positive thoughts creates the ability to co-create amazing results universally. Co creating can and will happen when differences are cast aside. Be gentle.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why Metaphysics is Important in Manifesting Wisely

Metaphysics is very important in manifesting prosperity and abundance for a few very key reasons.  One reason is is gives a certain type of "conscious" permission to look outside of what is appearing to take place and/ or happening.  This is important because, if there is a  fascination with the storyline of the opposing issue, there is simply no room for improvement.  The ability to mentally spin a story in favor of a positive outcome is essential. 
Metaphysically it is encouraged to look beyond what is appearing to happen, be creative, imagine, dream.  manifest wisely.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Election day is tomorrow

Election day is tomorrow and  it has brought up some stuff for me.  As a metaphysician I specialize in releasing what no longer serves me and assisting my clients to do the same.  It is a process and sometimes stuff shows up in the unlikeliest of places.  Check out this article on how I had to face this election controversy.  I was determined to stay equanimous, you know go and vote but not really getting involved.  Yeah right...
Is ths presidential election opening old wounds?

Make sure you get out and VOTE!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Metaphysically manifesting prosperity is a matter of how you feel!

I spent a few days at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival and the entire time all I kept thinking ..what recession?  There were literally thousands of kids and parents, out of school, there for "Mickeys Not So Scary Halloween Party."  I stayed at the Contemporary Hotel(avg. $300 p/n)  where like most of the resorts at Disney was SOLD OUT. One of the cashiers in Downtown Disney told me his Disney store grossed over $160 MILLION DOLLARS last year!

That's just ONE Disney Store! SMH in GRATITUDE!

Walt Disney was an amazing visionary!
We all have an inner visionary and are capable of manifesting peace, love success money and prosperity in every area of our lives.  Relatively few use their internal compass to manifest peace and prosperity.  It's the law of attraction.

Some ask how is it possible to manifest prosperity?
It starts with a feeling!
Using the imagination just like Walt Disney we create our circumstances.
We create prosperity!  
Meditation is a gateway to manifesting prosperity.  Meditation, hypnosis and the sleep state are when the conscious mind relaxes and the super conscious, which some refer to as God our creator can emerge. Prosperous manifestations are inspirations and ideas coming from that still small voice.  It's easier to hear the voice in the silence...

Perhaps you have heard the expression let go and let God.
Let go in silence. listen.
Prosperity manifests from within to without.
I am so prosperous that I manifested this experience and many others like it.  Go within.  Pay attention to how you feel. 
If it feels good be in gratitude! 
There is more to come..  go forth and multiply.
Be prosperous

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Is anything mentally blocking the manifestation of your desired outcome?

The use of denials can erase negative thoughts much like pruning a rose bush.  By pruning the dead limbs and leaves in a rose garden, magnificent roses are produced.  By denying old worn out, negative beliefs, a space is created for positive affirmations of abundance and prosperity to take root and flourish. 
Tend to your thoughts as you would tend a garden. 
Encourage the healthy growth of tiny buds (ideas) and your life will surely blossom!
Happy Manifesting!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

If life is a competition, what is the prize? metaphysically speaking

If life is a competition then what would the top prize be?  Would that prize be awarded here on Earth or somewhere out "there"?  If life is a competition what are the rules?  and who keeps score?  Peace, love and prosperity seem like amazing prizes as opposed to cars, homes and material wealth.  Why not have it all? NOW. It is possible to live in harmony with the Universe however attaining and maintaining Universal abundance requires a certain type of  work, not competition. Perhaps competition has run its proverbial course.  Perhaps the struggle is over, and the time for cooperation is now.
be still and know.

Monday, October 22, 2012

What happens when affirmations don't work?

Affirmations are a great tool for manifesting everything. However, what happens when affirmations don't seem to be working?
It is then necessary to deny the appearance of what is blocking the demonstration.
Denials are verbal declarations used to clear mental pathways. By consciously denying what no longer serves you it is possible to create a space for healing any and everything in life.
This blog will give periodic denials and tips to be used to help release what no longer serves you, making room for you to manifest peace love prosperity and abundance in every area of your life.
Manifest wisely...

How can a problem be solved metaphysically?

The simplest way to describe metaphysics is interpreting or looking beyond the literal meaning and/or appearance of things.  Albert Einstein once said, "You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it".  It may be easy to become engrossed in solving what appears to be a difficult situation by entertaining  stressful thoughts or excessive worry.  Perhaps going from one scenario to another in hopes of a solution. Often problem solving has been described as exhausting, and can create unhealthy physical symptoms in an outward attempt to solve it. Metaphysically worry is a sin, and The Revealing Word defines sin as wrong thinking.  Einsteins' statement  may imply that problems are first created in consciousness. Therefore logically this is would be first place to begin the resolution.  It seems easy enough but it takes practice, mostly in the silence.  Look beyond what seems to be the issue.  Clear a space mentally for a healing of the situation.  This can be done by meditation.  If there is no meditation practice or the issue is pressing, seek out a metaphysician or practitioner to assist in "seeing it right".  This person can hold the outcome in consciousness until the issue is resolved and advise on how to let go.  Be still and know.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Take a Metaphysical Moment if you are in employment is worth it!

While it may seem really bad to be unemployed perhaps there are some advantages to this hopefully temporary situation.  Perhaps this time has been granted to give you a much needed break from all the stress involved in the traditional 9-5. Is it possible for a metaphysical moment to think of this situation differently?  What is the thought was… it is really not that bad.  There is no rush and get up in this morning. Just for today curl up in bed until lounging until there is a primal urge on need to get up.  How many times has there been a dream of doing just that while sitting in traffic on the Palmetto, I-95 or US1?  Take a deep breath…chill already.   Maybe there was a layoff or, perhaps there is unemployment every two weeks. Maybe it has been 99 weeks.  Now is the time to really play the game called life.  This may not be the time to panic.  Seriously, take some time to relax, often. This is an interesting time, a period of growth.  What is learned now will never be repeated again.  Enjoy it as if it is a gift.
Starting right now everything is controlled by the roll of the dice, sort of like the popular box game.  Depending on how good you are at rolling and your strategies will determine the outcome. This is probably a very good time to focus as more thought is needed at this time, cerebral training. Take another deep breath and be mindful of resources, ALL the resources that are available.
Sometimes things look better from bed. Take the time to dream and ream BIG!

Check out your local Chamber of Commerce for entrepreneurial  ideas.  The Doral Chamber offers great classes in tools for entrepreneurship.  Manny Sarmiento and Carmen Lopez of the Doral Chamber are amazing visionaries and committed to creating a better economy through self empowerment.  There are many Chambers in Miami some of which are listed below. 
Happy Manifesting!