Monday, November 12, 2012

Now that the election is over emotions can heal

The Presidential election was so emotionally charged it brought up "stuff" that some folks could not handle.  Be gentle with yourself.  Reports of everything from "it felt like Christmas" to reports of "deep depressions" have been echoed.  On each side of the coin the aftermath of such high emotion has eventually shift. When something as big as the election happens, it is important to check in periodically and not get to emotionally charged in either direction. High or low, up or down. This is important because when the dust settles depending on what side of the fence you are on will determine how you feel when it is all over.  To remain equanimous means to maintain a sense on balance no matter what the outcome.  The only thing certain is change.  If a particular candidate did not win it does not mean all hope is lost. It is a process and there is plenty of work to be done by all. Living in a democratic society, laws are created and changed every single day.  It is possible to become an advocate for change, right now.  It all begins with the thought process.  Thinking positive thoughts creates the ability to co-create amazing results universally. Co creating can and will happen when differences are cast aside. Be gentle.

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