Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Metaphysical manifestation through meditation

Introspection is the best form of spiritual evaluation. Meditation is the best form of introspection spiritually and metaphysically. It is said all our answers lie within. It is through meditation we tap into our spiritual source. There are many types of meditation and perhaps it does not matter which type of meditation is chosen as the fact that some type of meditation is needed to acquire a clearer perspective. Wiki defines meditation as a practice in which an individual trains the mind and/or induces a mode of consciousness to realize some benefit, although it can be argued that meditation is a goal in and of itself. Wiki makes the comparison of meditation to sports. What a great analogy!

What if meditation were a competitive sport? 
The rewards would be peace love success prosperity and abundance. Everyone would be a winner!
Some important points to remember on spirituality and meditation:
  • Meditation does not require any formal training
  • Meditation is cost effective and can be done without any external tools
  • Meditation can take as little as a few minutes each day
  • Meditation can be done alone or with a group
  • Meditation is proven to help heal many issues, physical and mental
  • Meditation is empowering spiritually
The easiest way to begin meditation may be to focus on the breath.
You can also count yourself into a relaxed state. Some types of meditation have a key word(s) on the in and out breath. The beauty of meditation is that you can decide what works for you. Perhaps you play some soothing music. Find a comfortable spot where you will not be disturbed and just relax. There are numerous techniques and they key is to find a style and/or method that works for you.
It is all up to you, for it is all within you. Some people need a guided meditation.  Start somewhere Goggle different techniques, as a beginning, an introduction to the silence. Try various techniques until you find one that works for you.  This isn't a one size fits all protocol.  Meditation is a practice and like any sport the more you practice the more inclined you are to succeed.
Try it. The benefits are amazing!
photo courtesy Goggle

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

No Incurable Disease by Myrtle Fillmore

We all have the ability to deny the existence of another mans projection of what may be or go wrong.  According to Myrtle Fillmore of the Unity movement dis ease is a matter in mind.  What if you could cure yourself by simple connecting with God.  Miracles usually happen as a last resort, when traditional medicine and science have given up hope.  Never give up!
The following is an excerpt from The Healing Letters by Myrtle Fillmore
There is no such thing as a "disease" or incurable condition. These activities, weaknesses, or abnormalities to which the medical profession gives name are but the efforts of the God-given inner intelligence to deal with conditions that the individual has produced by his failure to understand the Truth and to recognize himself as the perfect child of God, and to live by the divine law of life. Anything that does not measure up to the Christ pattern of perfection can be changed. Anything that the ideas of God-Mind, expressing in the mind of man, have not produced can be dissolved into the original nothingness by the understanding application of the power of spiritual thought and the resultant spiritual action.
Doctors, of course, judge by appearances, founding their opinions upon the study of effects, and drawing their conclusions from the outworking of mistakes the patients have made.
No one who has awakened spiritually and is seeing his threefold being in the light of Truth would speak of disease as something of itself. ‪#‎myrtlefillmore‬ ‪#‎healingletters‬
Deny dis ease and affirm the almighty power of God working in and through you as perfect health and abundance. And so it is...kysses