Friday, January 4, 2013

Resolve Inner Conflict and Manifesting Becomes Easy

Metaphysically inner conflict is between the conscious and sub conscious mind. Old limiting beliefs hide in the sub conscious thus creating inner conflict and preventing manifestation. If they agree then no inner conflict can exist and manifestation becomes easier. The challenge is when there is a desired state and appearances would lead one to believe the desired state is not attainable. For example you have a desire for prosperity but the bank account looks bleak. Do not get caught up in the look of the bank account, stay focused in faith that the desired outcome will manifest itself. Affirm the desired state and if necessary deny the appearance of lack and limitation knowing this too shall pass. It is easier to believe in what we see, than to faithfully call forth our desires. Hebrews states, now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We have a metaphysical Bible interpretation and discussion group on Saturdays in the Gables and this is an example what we are growing through. Please feel free to join us.Click here for help resolving inner conflict and manifesting.

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